Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bored 'em

I'm bored. So I'm writing. Its what we do [teenage girls] when we're bored, write our feelings down exaggerating of course, or we just giggle about stupid things. Anyways, i think I'm all out of funniness for today, so this won't be that funny of a post, but it will be very random. For instance, I'm eating a orange right now.I have green stuff all over my face. The phone just rang at midnight, no worries though, its just my brother calling. My mum answered the phone. I might be going to church in 9 hours, depends on the weather. I hope i go sledding tomorrow. My favorite color is a pasty green, what's yours? How come nobodies been commenting on my blog :( ? Do you guys even read this? Should i go eat worms? Is this a silent message That i should go and Never come back! Well i should probably end this blog post before i go mental. Night, sleep tight and please please let those bed bugs bite! :)


Anonymous said...

My favorite color is red!

iRock said...

mine is blue!

Annie said...

This is fun, what about YOU?

Linda said...

My favorite color is four.

Annie said...

OK, that was, uh, Interesting, Mom.