Friday, January 11, 2008

Sorry i haven't posted since forever.
But basically nothing has happened to me except for yesterday.
 I went to co-op, got a speck in my eye and missed 2 classes trying to get it out.
After that to cheer me up i held my nephew... Only to have him go to the bathroom on my favorite jeans, but it washed out ( I'm thinking i should have stayed home that day!). But that was yesterday, and now is today, and tomorrow is soon to be today and today is soon to be  yesterday and I'm confusing my self.
 I better go before my brain freezes-freezes-freezes-freezes-freezes..... WHOA!
OK i'm back.
But i have to go.
( its like Bye and eye mixed together!!!)

1 comment:

Wally Family said...

I'm sorry I poopied on you, Auntie!